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An Examination of the Influence of Political Godfathers on Representation in Dutse LGA, Jigawa State: A Case Study of Candidate Selection

  • Project Research
  • 1-5 Chapters
  • Abstract : Available
  • Table of Content: Available
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  • NGN 5000

Chapter One: Introduction

1.1 Background of the Study

Political godfathers have been a prominent feature in Nigerian politics, often playing a significant role in candidate selection and political representation. In Dutse LGA, Jigawa State, the influence of political godfathers on local elections and governance has been a matter of significant concern. These individuals or groups, who wield considerable power and influence, often determine who gets nominated or elected to political offices, particularly at the local level. While the role of political godfathers can sometimes lead to political stability, it has also been associated with issues such as political patronage, corruption, and the undermining of democratic processes. This study will examine the influence of political godfathers on candidate selection and political representation in Dutse LGA, assessing how this influence shapes the local political landscape (Tijjani & Bello, 2024).

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Although political godfathers are often seen as influential in ensuring the success of candidates in local elections, their influence has raised concerns about the democratic nature of candidate selection. In Dutse LGA, the dominance of political godfathers in candidate selection processes has led to questions about the fairness and transparency of local elections. This study aims to investigate the extent of godfather influence in the local political system and its impact on democratic representation in Dutse LGA.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

  1. To examine the influence of political godfathers on candidate selection in Dutse LGA.
  2. To evaluate the impact of political godfatherism on political representation in Dutse LGA.
  3. To assess the implications of political godfatherism for local democratic governance in Dutse LGA.

1.4 Research Questions

  1. How do political godfathers influence candidate selection in Dutse LGA?
  2. What impact does the influence of political godfathers have on political representation in Dutse LGA?
  3. What are the implications of political godfatherism for democratic governance in Dutse LGA?

1.5 Research Hypotheses

  1. Political godfathers significantly influence candidate selection in Dutse LGA.
  2. The influence of political godfathers negatively impacts political representation in Dutse LGA.
  3. Political godfatherism undermines democratic governance in Dutse LGA.

1.6 Significance of the Study

This study will shed light on the role of political godfathers in shaping local elections and political representation in Dutse LGA. By exploring their impact, the research will provide valuable insights into the broader implications of political godfatherism for Nigeria’s political development, particularly at the local level. The findings will help inform discussions on electoral reforms and the need to strengthen democratic institutions.

1.7 Scope and Limitations of the Study

The study will focus on the influence of political godfathers in candidate selection and political representation in Dutse LGA, Jigawa State. The research will be limited by the difficulty in obtaining firsthand accounts of godfather influence due to political sensitivities and the secretive nature of patronage networks.

1.8 Operational Definition of Terms

  1. Political Godfatherism: The practice where influential individuals or groups control political processes, particularly candidate selection, in exchange for loyalty and support.
  2. Candidate Selection: The process of choosing individuals to represent political parties in elections.
  3. Democratic Governance: A system of government in which leaders are elected by the people through free and fair elections and are accountable to the electorate.


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